Are you organized?

How do you keep things organized? Did you know there are many ways to keep things organized in and around your house? The use of plastic tubs with lids is a good start.  Labeling those tubs in Braille, large print or with something tactile helps too.

How do you keep your clothing organized?  Did you know there are tactile and Braille clothing tags that can be sewn onto clothes so that they are not removed in the wash.  These can be used to mark clothing items by colour.  Socks can be washed and stored in a plastic sock holder.


Bump dots and easy to see overlays can be stuck on washers, dryers, microwaves etc.


The Service Club for the Blind would be happy to assist you with finding items that suit your needs and to order items for you to help make your life easier.  We are tax exempt and will require payment up front before selling it to you.  We accept cash, check, money order and credit/debit cards.