April is nearly over. Spring is in the air and Summer is on its way. This is the season of drastic weather changes and it is time to get an emergency kit prepared! Here in St. Louis, Missouri we are no stranger to major natural phenomena such as severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes. Do you and your family have a plan in the event of an emergency or bad weather? Do you have a special meeting place where family members can get together after a catastrophe?
What to do in the event of a natural disaster:
– Make sure your family members know where to meet up after a disaster. Bear in mind that buildings could be the least secure place.
– Prepare a disaster kit that includes items such as a can opener, knife, flashlight, batteries, weather radio, clothing, pet food (if you have pets), extra medications, first aid kit, canned or long life foods, copies of your ID’s and next of kin, blanket etc. For info on disaster kits, check out this website: www.emergencykits.com.
– Have a place of safety to go to during the disaster, for example your basement, a room with no windows, the lowest level of your house. Keep the windows closed.
– Get a NOAA weather radio and batteries or subscribe to websites such as www.nixle.com that will send you automated text messages and/or emails advising you of any immediate danger.
– Prepare yourself in advance with information about natural disasters. Knowledge is power (and peace of mind). This website can help: http://sema.dps.mo.gov/.
Once the immediate disaster is over, check in with your family and friends – bear in mind that the communication towers may be destroyed and the use of cell phones will be useless. Remember to have a specific meeting place to go to after the disaster.
After natural catastrophes, FEMA, or other emergency rescuers may not be able to get to you straight away, so ensure that you have 2-3 day’s worth of clothing, food and water (don’t forget your pets!)
A good time to remember to check your supplies in preparation for Spring and in preparation for Winter is when the clocks go forward and when they go back.
Don’t forget that you can never be over-prepared! Be sensible, be prepared, don’t panic and above all, stay safe!